기타 관련

[ 영화 ] Castaway on the Moon

2016-04-25 01:01

김씨표류기 : 2009 년 이해준 각본 / 감독 작품
Castaway on the Moon (영어 제목); Verschollen in der City (독일어 제목)


짠한 웃음과 함께 잔잔하지만 오래가는 감동을 주는 섬세한 秀作의 한국영화인데,
국내에선 흥행에 성공하지 못했고 대신 세계 각국의 영화제들에서 상을 많이 받았습니다.
Youtube에 독일어 자막 Version이 올라와 있길래 Link합니다.
아직 못보신 분들은 꼭 보십시오. 숨은 보석같은 한국영화입니다.


다음은 IMDb( www.imdb.com/user/ur40997303/ )에 올라있는 한 호주 관객의 Review 입니다.


"Simply Amazing" 10/10
Review by 'nelsonttsang' from Australia, 16 February 2013
"This movie leaves me amazed at the beauty of simplicity. The film probably doesn't have a huge budget and doesn't use a lot of actors, but this doesn't mean it's not a good movie, in fact, it is the opposite, by being small and simple, makes it not only one of the best Korean movie, but one of the best movie in the world. The cast is simply brilliant, both the male and female lead expresses every ounce of emotion so well that you 'commit' to the film in an entirely different way, you feel connected to these people and you care about what happens to them like you know them. Even the people who makes a short appearance like the mother and the delivery boy does their part so well it makes you want to find out what other movies they were in.

The entire film is so brilliantly put together with the writing, scripts and editing that in my opinion, it can make big Hollywood blockbuster look like a child produced it. It has what most movies lack nowadays and that is 'Heart', you can really tell that the person who directed and produced this film loves it like their only child.

To sum up, although it is one of the lesser known Korean film, everything in this film is in my opinion faultless and I genuinely hope more people watch it. It completely changed my perspective on what is loneliness, isolation and happiness. "



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