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Yuval Noah Harari on History & Religion

2016-05-01 19:30

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Yuval Noah Harari :

  • Homepage   • Wikipedia Page   • Facebook   • Youtube Channel

  • Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

  • Review by Dorothea Shefer-Vanson : Sapiens 

  •  Yuval Noah Harari Lectures on Transhumanism & the Singularity     

      Click!   >> A History of Humankind 

Over the last few decades humans have began to bend and break the laws of natural selection —laws that have governed life on Earth for the past four billion years.

New technologies such as genetic engineering and nanotechnology are giving us unprecedented abilities to design not only the world around us, but also our own bodies, our personalities, and our desires.

How will this influence society and culture?
Does anybody know where we are heading?
What is the likely future of humankind?

Talks : Death is Optional     youtu.be/JKOQvn0OY-w

via St. Park     www.youtube.com/user/stapa..

Yuval Noah Harari Lecture : Does History Have a Direction?
Vintage Live Annual Lecture 2015    
via Bristol Festival of Ideas     www.youtube.com/user/FestivalofIdeas

Is history just a random accumulation of accidents, or is it going in some definitive direction? This first Vintage Lecture by Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens, explores three possible directions of human history: power, unity and happiness.

As history unfolded, humankind has become ever more powerful. When history kick-started about 70,000 years ago, Homo sapiens was an insignificant ape in East Africa. Today we are the rulers of the planet, and soon we might upgrade ourselves into gods.

As history unfolded, humankind has become ever more united. Back in the Stone Age, humans lived in isolated tribes, and planet earth was an entire galaxy of separate human worlds. Today all humans are part of a single system. There are no longer any independent countries or authentic cultures, and everyone – Americans, Chinese, Israelis and Iranians – view physics, biology, economics and even politics in a similar way.

As history unfolded, did humans become happier? Is the average person today happier than in ancient or medieval times? Whereas the story of human power and unity is relatively straightforward, the story of human happiness is far less clear. There are good reasons to suspect that we are far more powerful and united than our ancestors – but not much happier.

The lecture builds on Yural Noah Harari’s remarkable book Sapiens, in which he examines the whole of human history. 100,000 years ago, at least six human species inhabited the earth. Today there is just one. Homo sapiens. How did our species succeed in the battle for dominance? Why did our foraging ancestors come together to create cities and kingdoms? How did we come to believe in gods, nations and human rights; to trust money, books and laws; and to be enslaved by bureaucracy, timetables and consumerism? And what will our world be like in the millennia to come?

In association with Vintage and Bristol 2015 European Green Capital.

Lecture : Techno-Religions and Silicon Prophets
Yuval Harari Talks at Google, Jan. 29. 2015    
via Talks at Google     www.youtube.com/user/AtGoogleTalks

Techno-Religions and Silicon Prophets: Will the 21st century be shaped by hi-tech gurus or by religious zealots – or are they the same thing?

What is the current status of religions and ideologies in the world, and what will be the likely impact of 21st-century technological breakthroughs on religion and ideology?

Will traditional religions and ideologies —from Christianity and Islam to Liberalism and Socialism— manage to survive the technological and economic revolutions of the 21st century?

What would be the place of Islam, for example, in a world of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence?

The talk addresses these questions, and argues that the future belongs to techno-religions, which promise salvation through technology, and which are already gathering believers in places such as Silicon Valley. 


유발 하라리 특강 2016. 4. 29   youtu.be/eMSHLQPQUAM#t=3m16s

via 서울시(Seoul City)   www.youtube.com/user/seoullive 


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