자연과학 관련

[ 2 TED-Ed Lectures : Evolutionary Biology ] 다국어 자막

2016-11-04 20:18


[ TED-Ed Lecture ]  Endosymbiosis - The Endosymbiotic Theory

                                 (  "생물과 종 진화의 열쇠는 타자들의 융합과  공생"  다국어 자막  )

by Adam Jacobson  :    How we think complex cells evolved

Imagine you swallowed a small bird and suddenly gained the ability to fly … or you ate a cobra and were able to spit poisonous venom!

Well, throughout the history of life (and specifically during the evolution of complex eukaryotic cells) things like this happened all the time.

Adam Jacobson explains endosymbiosis, a type of symbiosis in which one symbiotic organism lives inside another.

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How a single-celled organism, Cyanobacteria paved the way for complex life on Earth

(  "시아노박테리아가 지구 생명진화사에 끼친 영향" 다국어 자막 )


​ [  TED Ed   Lecture ]  by Anusuya Willis

                                         ( Animation by Augenblick Studios )

There's an organism that changed the world. It caused the first mass extinction in Earth's history … and also paved the way for complex life.

How? Anusuya Willis explains how Cyanobacteria, simple organisms that don’t even have nuclei or any other organelles, wrote a pivotal chapter in the story of life on Earth.



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